
A word from the Director

One of Sup'EnR's priorities is to welcome international students and send our students to study abroad during their studies. International exchanges help to train more complete engineers, capable of understanding and solving problems in many different contexts. This understanding is crucial to the design and implementation of locally adapted solutions. These exchanges also offer students the opportunity to discover and adapt to different educational and teaching systems. They also prepare them to play an active role in a globalized world, where collaboration and intercultural understanding have become fundamental skills. Finally, as the job market becomes increasingly globalized, intercultural skills and the ability to work in international teams are becoming key assets.


Sup'EnR is a partner school of the INSA group.

The renewable energy engineering program lasts 5 years. The first two years take place at INSA Toulouse. The 3rd to 5th years are taught at Sup'EnR Perpignan. Incoming mobility is possible from the 3rd year onwards.

Come to Sup'EnR

International exchanges are a priority in Sup'EnR's development strategy. Every year since its opening, our school has welcomed international students. Mobilities are possible from 3rd to 5th year. Sup'EnR offers a course entirely in English in semester 9.

Courses in English

The English courses taught at Sup'EnR in semester 9 of year 5 aim to raise awareness among future engineers of the challenges of the energy transition, which is now one of the priorities of the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, and one of the main orientations of local planning and development policies. The course is divided into various modules which provide knowledge of the technologies, infrastructures, resources and policies put in place to respond to societal challenges. These modules explore the different paths of this transition, corresponding to different modes of land use, movement and energy production. Some modules are at the interface between the professions of energy specialist, planner, urban planner and economist. Apart from Innovative technological project, Energy softwares, Language (English), students will choose 6 of the 8 modules offered in the Energy Engineering UE and 4 out of 5 in the Humanities UE.

Download the full description of 5A courses

5A Courses

Codes Type ECTS* Courses CM* TD* TP*
TIENSN51 SE 30 Semester 9 Engineering Degree Sup'EnR 5th Year 24 234 10
TIEN5U11 UE 20 S9UE1 - Energy Engineering 12 138 10
TIEN5IT1 MAT Innovative technological project 10
TIEN5ES1 MAT Energy softwares 12 12
TIEN5CH1 INTER Choice of 6 out of 8 subjects 126
TIEN5SE1 MAT Energy storage 21
TIEN5HY1 MAT Hybridization, cogeneration&optimization of energy processes 21
TIEN5ME1 MAT Materials for energy 21
TIEN5GS1 MAT Grids and smart grids 21
TIEN5SN1 MAT Supervision and energy management 21
TIEN5CS1 MAT Concentrated solar processes 21
TIEN5WE1 MAT Water and energy : Desalination and pollutant treatment 21
TIEN5BA1 MAT Bioclimatic architecture and positive energy building 21
TIEN5U21 UE 10 S9UE2 - Humanities 96
TIEN5IN1 INTER Choice of 6 out of 8 subjects 84
TIEN5NC1 MAT Energy transition and land management of developing country 21
TIEN5EM1 MAT Environnemental management 21
TIEN5NT1 MAT Energy transition and land management 21
TIEN5EK1 MAT Energy market 21
TIEN5IP1 MAT Industrial property and patent 21
TIEN5AN1 MAT English 21
Semester 10 Engineering Degree Sup'EnR 5th Year/Internship

* IMPORTANT : in renewable energy engineering training, ECTS credits are not allocated to subjects but to Teaching Units (EU)
* CM = lecture course   TD = directed work   TP = practical exercises


Sup'EnR : a privileged study environment

Students at Sup'EnR have the chance to study all the renewable energies available in the Pyrénées Orientales department. Numerous site visits are planned to enable future engineers to discover unique installations. For our region, renewable energies are an important issue and a priority for its development.

Odeillo solar furnace
Calce incinerator

Located in Perpignan, the Sup'EnR engineering school benefits from a preserved natural and historical heritage, in the heart of the Occitanie and Euroregion: Toulouse, Montpellier and Barcelona airports are less than two hours away by road or train.

Find out more about tourism in Occitanie

Close to the beaches and coves of the Mediterranean, and just a stone's throw from the mountains, the living environment for Sup'EnR engineering students is exceptional. A wide range of sporting activities is offered in a varied environment : kite-surfing, scuba-diving, sailing, hiking, climbing, skiing and other nature sports...

Sup'EnR students benefit from all the sports and cultural activities and facilities offered by the University of Perpignan.

Find out more about sports and cultural activities in Pyrénées-Orientales


Finding accommodation


Finding accommodation is an important step for foreign students. Several solutions are available in Perpignan: renting, sharing, student residences. There are plenty of options close to campus. It's up to the student to choose the one that best suits his or her expectations and budget.

Finding accomodation

Going abroad

Given the global context of the energy transition, Sup'EnR is naturally open to international exchanges. A minimum of 17 weeks' study abroad is required during the engineering cycle. Engineering students can take advantage of the many networks and alliances forged by our teaching and research staff and the many industrialists involved in their training to carry out their mobility abroad.



Europe Canada Partenariat international
Allemagne : Oldenburg University École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS) Mexique : Université Autonome du Yucatan
Belgique : Haute Ecole Libre Mosane (HELMO) Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)
Espagne : Universidad de Zaragoza Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT)
Espagne : Universidad Pública de Navarra Université de Laval
Pays- Bas : Hanze University for Applied Sciences


Places availables

The number of places available varies depending on the destination and the nature of the agreements signed. In general, between 3 and 5 places are available per destination and per semester.



Applications are selected on the basis of academic results from previous semesters and years (notably grade point average). A good academic level is required to study abroad. Most host institutions require an average of at least 12/20 in the year preceding departure. Attention is also paid to language level.

How to apply

Once students have selected the destination that interests them, they should contact Didier AUSSEL (, Sup'Enr's international correspondent, to confirm the courses they will be taking on exchange. The international correspondent ensures that the courses correspond to the Sup'Enr curriculum and the number of credits required to complete a semester or year.


In the event of difficulties with this platform, students can contact Mme LAURET on 04 30 19 81 31.

For all other administrative formalities, please contact the UPVD SRIT.


Application calendar

Mobility for 2025/2026 : from November 6, 2024 to February 2, 2025


List of documents to enclose with your online application

  • Copy of your ID or passport
  • Letter of motivation
  • Copy of transcripts from 1st year of higher education
  • Copy of current year's school certificate
  • Educational contract (provisional): one for each chosen host university
  • Host country language level certification

Internship abroad

Online applications for internships in foreign countries are accepted throughout the year. It must be submitted at least one month before departure, in order to be eligible for mobility grants.


Scholarships and financial aid

Financial aid may be available to help finance part of your study stay or internship abroad as part of your university course.


Apply for a scolarship

Students stories

Amélie V., outgoing mobility at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands

I've chosen to do my six-month Erasmus exchange in the Netherlands, in Groningen for the fall semester 2023-2024. I chose the Netherlands to discover a new education system in Europe, a new country and to improve my English. The program I chose to follow at Hanze University is a minor : "Energy & Society". The courses are divided into two parts over the semester and taught in English. The students in the class (around twenty) are both Dutch and foreign (from France, Finland and the USA). The courses focus on the social aspects of energy, including the relationship between culture and energy, the political context and regulations, as well as innovations, network management and the study of future scenarios. Most classes require group work, which is rewarding from a linguistic and cultural point of view. The schedule is light, and personal investment outside the classroom is expected.
In the Netherlands,
any trip is easy and quick by bike! There's plenty of parking lots, so it's never a problem to park. It's pretty easy to communicate, since most Dutch people speak English very well, or thanks to the translations provided. The Erasmus network regularly organizes activities with other students and trips to neighboring countries. There's also a sports structure with a wide range of sports on offer !
I'm really enjoying my semester because it allows me to open my mind, through the courses, the trips and the encounters !

Rafael L.G., incoming mobility at Sup'EnR

Since the beginning of my university studies, I was interested in studying abroad, so I sought to obtain information on the universities with which my school had agreements. This is how a professor told me about Sup'EnR. While researching the school, I realized that it offered a similar program to the one I was taking, which would be an advantage to me on my return. I was fascinated by the idea of ​​taking courses with PROMES teacher-researchers and interacting in the CNRS facilities.
Overall my experience was wonderful. The friendliness of my classmates made me feel welcome among them. My first impression upon arriving was that the school was a bit small and far from the UPVD campus. However, I think that this allowed all the Sup'EnR students to get to know each other and to be very close to each other.
As for the courses, I found them very interesting. Personally, some were more complex than others, especially because of the language and methodology. I enjoyed working in a group with my colleagues because I was able to listen to their ideas and understand their reasoning.
In my opinion, this experience was extremely enriching on a cultural, academic and professional level. I am convinced that it will provide me with the necessary foundations to continue my personal and professional development.

Double degree

Sup'EnR has developed a double degree program with the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) in Montreal, Quebec.

As a Sup'EnR student-engineer, you have the opportunity to obtain a Canadian master's degree, as part of an interlocking curriculum leading to two diplomas:

  •     the French engineering diploma delivered by Sup'EnR
  •     a master's degree from ÉTS (Master of Engineering)

This path allows you to complete your final year of engineering studies (M2 level) as part of your master's studies at ÉTS, and generally requires an extension of 6 to 12 months.

The activities undertaken at ÉTS are mutually recognized by the partner institutions, enabling you to earn two degrees.

In North America, the master's degree is a higher diploma than the engineering degree. It focuses on the acquisition of advanced technical and managerial skills, the development of research skills and the development of industrial applications.

Eiffel scolarship

You are a foreign student and you want to apply for an Eiffel scolarship, see our application section.

Updated : February 14, 2025

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