Formation LMD

Engineering degree

Brevet de technicien supérieur contrôlé par l'État
Engineering degree


Campus de Perpignan
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Ecole d'ingénieurs Sup'EnR
320 A avenue James Watt - Tecnosud
66100 Perpignan
Bureau d'Accueil, d'Information et d'Orientation
04 68 66 20 46

Service d’Insertion Professionnelle
04 68 66 20 43



Students are recruited for the degree post-baccalaureate by the INSA (national institute of applied sciences) group.

The programme is delivered over three years for students who have two years of post-baccalaureate education (preparatory classes for entry to the grandes écoles, DUTs or two-year technical qualifications, two- or three-year bachelor's degrees).

  • A progressive pathway

The Sup’EnR engineering degree involves some initial basic teaching about disciplinary and contextual fundamentals. However, the volume of this teaching decreases progressively with each semester and is replaced instead by theoretical teaching and training in the use of engineering tools. A progressive approach is adopted to teaching students about renewable energies. During the first year, they tackle energy sources; in the second year, they look at unitary conventional technologies; and then the third year deals with hybrid and advanced processes.

  • A necessary multidisciplinary approach

Throughout their engineering degrees, Sup'EnR students also attend courses in humanities subjects (languages, management, law, communication). These are essential for the development of renewable energies. Courses in these disciplines are taught by teaching staff and researchers from the ART-DEV laboratory who have specialist expertise in the relevant areas.

  • Regular opportunities to apply their expertise

Throughout their training, Sup'EnR engineering students have opportunities to bridge the gap between theory and practice – by undertaking practicals and working on collective projects, visiting renewable energy sites and carrying out internships (they are required to spend 36 weeks working in companies or laboratories). Engineering students are also able to make use of the “EnRMat” Energy and Materials technological platform.

Sup’EnR is based right at the heart of the Tecnosud solar campus, close to the PROMES (PROcesses and Materials for Solar Energy) laboratory, as well as the 2PME "Renewables and Greentech” company incubator and the DERBI competitivity cluster for stakeholders involved in developing the renewable energy sector.

  • Certifications
Sup'EnR has been awarded certification from the DERBI competitivity cluster
Sup’EnR has been awarded EFFINERGIE certification


Year 1, INSA Toulouse

Semester 1

UE1: Mathematical and computer tools

  • Mathematics 1
  • Mathematics and algorithms

UE2: Engineering sciences

  • Chemistry and biotechnology
  • Geometric optics and point mechanics
  • Industrial techniques

UE3: Social sciences

  • Grow independently and build your professional project - level 1
  • Communicate in foreign languages ​​- level 1

Semester 2

UE1: Mathematical and computer tools

  • Mathematics 2

UE2: Engineering sciences

  • Thermodynamics - basics and applications
  • Electrical phenomena and circuit analysis
  • Systems study
  • Visit to the large solar installations of the PROMES laboratory, Odeillo

UE3: Social sciences

  • Information, management, communication
  • Communicate in foreign languages ​​- level 2
Year 2, INSA Toulouse

Semester 3

UE1: Mathematical and computer tools

  • Algebra and analysis

UE2: Engineering sciences

  • Organic chemistry
  • Thermodynamics deepening and multi-constituent systems
  • Sensors and measurement physics
  • Electricity

UE3: Social sciences

  • Grow independently and build your professional project - level 2
  • Knowledge of the company and communication methods

Semester 4

UE1: Mathematical and computer tools

  • Analysis and IT

UE2: Engineering sciences

  • Thermodynamics and energy
  • Transport and reaction in fluid environment
  • Analytical methods and physics

UE3: Social sciences

  • Grow independently and build your professional project - Sup'EnR
  • Communicate in foreign languages ​​- level 3
Year 3, Sup'EnR

Semester 5

UE1: Mathematical and computer tools (60 h)

  • Harmonization (12h)
  • Mathematics (24h)
  • Computer science (24h)

UE2: Engineering sciences (216 h)

  • Thermodynamics (24h)
  • Thermal transfers (24h)
  • Fluid mechanics (24h)
  • Solid mechanics (24h)
  • Electricity (24h)
  • Electronics (24h)
  • Harmonization2 (12h)
  • Practical exercises (60h)

UE3: Energy engineering (54 h)

  • Energy and environment context (24h)
  • Energy sources and conversion modes 1 (24h)
  • Technological project (6h)

UE4: Social sciences (66h)

  • Business economics (24h)
  • English (24h)
  • German, Spanish or Chinese (18h)

Semester 6

UE1: Mathematical and computer tools (72 h)

  • Mathematics (24h)
  • Digital tools (24h)
  • Computer programming (24h)

UE2: Engineering sciences (204 h)

  • Thermodynamics of machines (24h)
  • Thermal applied (24h)
  • Fluid mechanics (24h)
  • Materials (24h)
  • Electrical machines (24h)
  • Power electronics (24h)
  • Practical exercises (60h)

UE3: Energy engineering (30 h)

  • Energy sources and conversion modes 2 (24h)
  • Technological project (6h)

UE4: Social sciences (66 h)

  • Economics of energy and environment (24h)
  • English (24h)
  • German, Spanish or Chinese (18h)
  • Internship of 6 to 8 weeks recommended
Year 4, Sup'EnR

Semester 7

UE1: Mathematical and computer tools (48h)

  • Mathematics (24h)
  • Energy software (24h)

UE2: Engineering sciences (120 h)

  • Kinetics and combustion (24h)
  • Exchangers and reactors (24h)
  • Structural mechanics, resistance of materials (24h)
  • Signal processing (24h)
  • Metrology and sensor (24h)

UE3: Energy engineering (138 h)

  • Renewable energy technologies (24h)
  • Nuclear and fossil energy technologies (24h)
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) (24h)
  • Practical exercises renewable energy technologies (60h)
  • Technological project (6h)

UE4: Social sciences (90 h)

  • Project management (24h)
  • Land use planning and sustainable development (24h)
  • English (24h)
  • German, Spanish or Chinese (18h)

Semester 8

UE1: Engineering sciences (120 h)

  • Energy softwares (24h)
  • Energy efficiency and optimization (24h)
  • Life cycle analysis (LCA) and eco-design (24h)
  • Power systems engineering (24h)
  • Automatic and process control (24h)

UE2: Energy engineering (138 h)

  • Renewable energy technologies 1 (24h)
  • Renewable energy technologies 2 (24h)
  • Building energy (24h)
  • Practical exercises on renewable energy technologies (60h)
  • Technological project (6h)

UE3: Social sciences (96 h)

  • Communication and professional integration (24 hours)
  • Labor law (24h)
  • Environmental law (24h)
  • English (24h)
  • Mandatory internship of 8 to 12 weeks
Year 5, Sup'EnR

Semestre 9

UE1 : Energy Engineering (160h)

  • Innovative technological project (10h)
  • Energy softwares (24 h)
  • 6 modules to choose from the following 8 (126h) :
  • Energy storage (21h)
  • Hybridization, cogeneration&optimization of energy processes (21h)
  • Materials for energy (21h)
  • Grids and smart grids (21h)
  • Supervision and energy management (21h)
  • Concentrated solar processes (21h)
  • Water and energy : Desalination and pollutant treatment (21h)
  • Bioclimatic architecture and positive energy building (21h)

UE2 : Humanities (105h)

  • 4 modules to choose from the following 856
  • Energy transition and land management of developing country (21h)
  • Environnemental management (21h)
  • Energy transition and land management (21h)
  • Energy market (21h)
  • Industrial property and patent (21h)
  • English (21h)

Semestre 10

UE1 : Internship

  • Mandatory 16-week end-of-studies internship


At the end of their training, Sup’EnR engineers have acquired the scientific and technical skills of energy engineering to design and operate systems for capturing, converting, transporting and storing renewable energies. In addition, their know-how and interpersonal skills allow them to contribute to the energy and socio-ecological transition by taking into account the societal, financial and environmental issues linked to the conversion, transport and storage of renewable energies.

What's next ?

Further studies

Sup’EnR trains energetics and applied industrial and building process engineering students, using a global sustainable development-approach.
  • Energy engineer
  • Heating and process engineer
  • Renewable energy systems design engineer
  • Research officer
  • Renewable energies development manager
  • Renewable energies project manager
  • Business creator
These career opportunities are naturally available with a number of major groups and SMEs. But increasingly large numbers of young graduates set up their own companies in order to put their skills to use. The University of Perpignan provides students with access to its own innovative company incubation service and provides start-up project leaders with appropriate support.

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