
As the energy transition gets under way, research laboratories and manufacturers are working together in full synergy, taking up the challenges and removing the obstacles that society encounters. And these obstacles are not only purely scientific and technical in nature: there are political, regulatory and social aspects as well. Sup’EnR is supported by two internationally renowned complementary laboratories. As a result, it has access to a multidisciplinary teaching team and an international extensive network covering both research and industry. This helps its students to find internships and then gain a foothold on the job market.


The PROMES laboratory (the CNRS’s research unit no. 8521) investigates materials and solar power processes and is where 150 of the UPVD’s professors and researchers, engineers and doctoral students conduct their research. PROMES has France's only concentrated solar energy platform, which features the Odeillo solar furnace – the largest in the world. It also coordinates the SOLSTICE laboratory of excellence – Europe's leading concentrated solar power laboratory –, as well as the SOCRATE equipment of excellence project, an experimental solar platform. Furthermore, it boasts a technology platform for renewable energies and materials - EnRMAT. PROMES is a founding member of FédEsol, the CNRS’s federation for research into solar power.


The ART-DEV laboratory (UMR 5281 UPVD-UPVM-UM-CNRS-CIRAD) has 130 researchers, teaching staff and doctoral students all investigating natural resource management, environmental regulation, public policy, town planning and regional development and technologies within the context of the energy transition and development.

Updated : January 11, 2024

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